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  • 石铁陨石精品推荐

    发布时间: 2024-03-06首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    陨石是经过遥远的外太空经过漫长的飘行,又经过急速的坠落、高温的摩擦降临了地球,被称作 “天外来石”的陨石因极高的科研价值一直受到众多天文学家和地质学家的热捧。现在,陨石珍藏热席卷全球,能够珍藏陨石成了就珍藏家身份职位的象征,其中陨石有着丰富的历史价值和科研价值,备受收藏家们的追逐。



    Meteorites, known as "extraterrestrial rocks", have been highly sought after by many astronomers and geologists due to their high scientific research value, as they have traveled long distances through outer space, experienced rapid falls, and experienced high-temperature friction before landing on Earth. Nowadays, the trend of collecting meteorites is sweeping the world, and being able to collect meteorites has become a symbol of collectors' status and position. Among them, meteorites have rich historical and scientific value, and are highly sought after by collectors.

    This stone iron meteorite weighs about 1850.9g and is wrapped in an oxide layer called a molten shell on its surface; The many large and small circular pits distributed on the surface are called air marks; In addition, there are various shaped grooves called melt grooves, which have very prominent melt lines; These are all formed due to their violent friction and combustion with the atmosphere during the process of falling. Observing the iron meteorite under a high-power magnifying glass, there are obvious crystalline particles. Iron meteorites contain a wealth of information on the formation and evolution of celestial bodies in the solar system, and experimental analysis of them will help explore the mysteries of the solar system. By measuring the isotopic content of various elements in meteorites, the age of meteorites can be inferred, thereby studying various information about the formation period of the solar system. In addition, iron meteorites can also carry primitive information about asteroids, planets, large satellites, or comets, making them highly valuable for scientific research.

    Iron meteorites have become a potential stock for preservation and appreciation in the international collection industry and investors, with unlimited potential. Rare items have always been sought after in the collection industry. Nowadays, the trace of stone iron meteorites is rare and more expensive than gold. With its irreproducibility, irreproducibility, and unique charm, it shines brightly in the collection market, and the collection trend is becoming increasingly hot. Collectors have a special fondness for it and it has great collection value.


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