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    发布时间: 2024-04-11首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()




    The Year of the Monkey and Year of the Rooster commemorative coins refer to commemorative coins issued in China, with the themes of the Year of the Monkey and Year of the Rooster in the Chinese lunar calendar. According to the tradition of the Chinese zodiac, the monkey and the chicken are two of the zodiac signs, representing symbols of intelligence, dexterity, and diligence, bravery, and more. Therefore, in the Year of the Monkey and Year of the Rooster, China usually issues corresponding commemorative coins to celebrate the arrival of these two zodiac animals.

    The commemorative coins for the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Rooster are usually made of precious metals (such as gold, silver) or alloys. The obverse is usually engraved with the corresponding image of the Chinese zodiac, while the reverse may be engraved with the national emblem of China and related chronological information. These commemorative coins not only have certain investment value, but also reflect the traditional Chinese culture's emphasis and love for zodiac culture. Each commemorative coin represents a special significance and value for a period of time, and is widely collected and cherished by people.

    People who hold commemorative coins for the Year of the Monkey and the Year of the Rooster can not only feel the charm of traditional Chinese culture, but also experience the unique charm of zodiac culture. These commemorative coins not only have commemorative significance, but are also a good investment choice, and their value may continue to increase over time. Therefore, the Year of the Monkey and Year of the Rooster commemorative coins are one of the objects pursued by many collectors and investors.


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