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  • 精品推荐 —— 浮雕人物花卉纹赏瓶

    发布时间: 2024-04-16首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    Recommended - Vase embossed figure flower pattern

    *本次藏品 浮雕人物花卉纹赏瓶

    典藏尺寸:通高16cm 口径6cm 底径5cm


    As an independent painting, the painting of beautiful women was very popular in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and the representative painters of this period were Tang Yin, Chen Hongshou, and Qian Qi. Therefore, the image of the beautiful woman in the pattern is based on real life, and is influenced by the aesthetic appreciation of literati in that period, and becomes a unique cultural symbol. The biggest characteristic of the painting of beautiful women is full of "poetry", and pays special attention to the creation of poetic and elegant atmosphere. These ladies often engaged in "playing chess, reading books, viewing paintings, playing the piano" and other four arts in the painting, which were elegant activities favored by literati at that time, in line with Confucian ideas. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, his paintings of beautiful women were fashionable with "shaved shoulders, pointed faces, willow eyebrows and narrow waists". They can skillfully use the thickness and depth of the lines to highlight the outline and expression of the image of the beautiful woman, and depict the appearance of the beautiful woman, clothing and so on are very fine. This is also one of the important reasons why the lady's print is still highly praised and widely concerned.

    *本次藏品 浮雕人物花卉纹赏瓶

    典藏尺寸:通高16cm 口径6cm 底径5cm


    Recently, our company collected a pair of relief characters flower pattern appreciation bottle, shaped like a phoenix tail, trumpet mouth, long neck, drum belly, under and wide to the bottom. The neck and shoulders are carved with the lotus grain as the ground, extending to the abdomen to open two petal-shaped openings, and the interior is decorated with floral patterns. The abdomen is the theme decoration, sculpting the garden picture of the female figures, there are two masters and two servants and four ladies, sitting or standing, or playing the piano, reading, or holding the scroll, or holding the fan crooning, with different expressions. In the background, the garden has a beautiful scenery with the stone plantain and various flowers. The shin is decorated with lotus petals, and the base is decorated with floral patterns. This pair of embossed figure flower pattern vase not only depicts the character image in detail and vivid, but also has a high historical reference value for the research and research of the famous object system at that time.


    Please contact Sichuan Junzailai Auction Group Co., LTD for information about the above collections.


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