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    发布时间: 2024-04-30首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()

    1938年7月5日出生于江苏南通诗书世家。字十翼,别署抱冲斋主,中国当代著名学者、书画家、诗人,1自幼即学历史、文学和绘画,1959年考入天津南开大学历史系。两年后转入中央美院研究美术史,半年后转入中国画系学,1962年毕业 。他先后师事于吴作人、李可染、蒋兆和、李苦禅、刘凌沧诸位名家,深得教益,最重要的是范增连续五年胡润拍卖榜上前五名!



    Born on July 5, 1938 in a family of poetry and books in Nantong, Jiangsu. Zi Shi Yi, also known as Bao Chong Zhai Zhu, is a renowned contemporary Chinese scholar, calligrapher, painter, and poet. He studied history, literature, and painting from a young age and was admitted to the History Department of Nankai University in Tianjin in 1959. Two years later, he transferred to the Central Academy of Fine Arts to study art history, and six months later, he transferred to the Department of Chinese Painting to study. He graduated in 1962. He has successively studied under famous scholars such as Wu Zuoren, Li Keran, Jiang Zhaohe, Li Kuchan, and Liu Lingcang, and has gained profound teachings. Most importantly, Fan Zeng has been ranked in the top five of the Hurun Auction List for five consecutive years!

    Fan Zeng's "The Picture of Laozi Exiting the Customs" is a classic work in traditional Chinese painting. This work depicts the scene of Laozi leaving the country. Laozi is riding a cow with a camel saddle on his back, and his image is calm and composed. The landscape in the background of the picture is well arranged, with lush trees, giving people a peaceful and grand atmosphere. The overall color tone of the painting is elegant, with concise lines, expressing Fan Zeng's unique artistic conception and brushstrokes.

    This work integrates philosophical ideas and painting techniques from traditional Chinese culture, with profound implications and thought-provoking qualities. Fan Zeng showcased his unique style between traditional culture and modern expression through the painting "Laozi's Exit from the Customs", making it one of the classics in the history of Chinese painting.


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