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  • 军政府造四川铜币当制钱壹百文

    发布时间: 2024-04-30首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()



    Sichuan Copper Coin - "The Military Government Made Sichuan Copper Coin" was a product of the Xinhai Revolution period. In December 1911, the Chengdu Mutiny occurred, and the Sichuan Military Government, led by Yin Changheng and Luo Lun, replaced the 12 day old Han Sichuan Military Government. At the beginning of the establishment of the new Sichuan Military Government, it faced a financial dilemma of daily demands and insufficient expenses. The military government quickly took over the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan and decided to mint "Sichuan copper coins" as an emergency measure. In April of the first year of the Republic of China (1912), the Chengdu Mint in Sichuan was ordered by the Sichuan Military Government to open a mold and cast "Sichuan Copper Coins Made by the Military Government", also known as "Han" copper coins.

    The central bead circle on the obverse side of the coin has the four characters "Sichuan Copper Coin", which have a regular shape, a regular mouth, and are well preserved. The clarity of the text and outline of the coin is good, and the pattern is still clear and visible. Divided by top, bottom, left, and right, the heart is adorned with hibiscus patterns. The upper edge of the bead circle is inscribed with the words "made by the military government", and the lower edge is inscribed with the words "one hundred wen of currency to be made", indicating the value of the currency. The left and right sides are decorated with flower star patterns. On the back of the copper coin, there is a seal script character "Han" inside the large circle in the center. There are dozens of horizontal lines at the bottom of the character "Han", and there are also 18 small circles surrounding the circle, representing the eighteen provinces at that time. Linking 18 small circles around the character "Han" into one, symbolizing the unity of the people of the 18 provinces to fight together for "expelling the Tartars and restoring China". It bears a distinct historical imprint from the period of the Xinhai Revolution, witnessing that magnificent revolutionary history.


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