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    发布时间: 2024-04-30首页:主页 > 国内 > 阅读()



    Rhinoceros horns were rare in ancient handicrafts and are also leading the art market today. Rhinoceros horn was considered a precious item during the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties. Rhinoceros horn carving art is also known as a treasure of ancient Chinese handicrafts. After experiencing the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty, the rhinoceros horn cup gradually became a unique branch of art. Its magnificent and unique shape not only deeply loved by the world, but also the noble atmosphere contained in the rhinoceros horn, making it an indispensable collection among the court aristocracy. It is said that drinking in a rhinoceros horn cup can clear heat and detoxify. Rhinoceros horns are already very precious, and vessels made from rhinoceros horns are even rarer and more precious.

    This pair of rhinoceros horn cups has excellent texture and is one of the top quality rhinoceros horns. The carved patterns throughout the body are exquisite and delicate, which is extremely rare and has great collection and market value. Rhinoceros horn has extremely high medicinal value due to its precious material, cooling blood, detoxifying, and nourishing properties. This collection has exquisite craftsmanship, with bamboo silk patterns on the vertical surface and caviar and honeycomb like structural textures on the horizontal surface. Rhinoceros horn is a precious medicinal herb for clearing heat and detoxifying, which has been on par with Night Light Bi and Bright Moon Pearl since ancient times. Nowadays, rhinoceroses are endangered animals, and their horns cannot be used as horn carving materials anymore. Rhinoceros horn carving, as a peculiar flower in ancient Chinese art, has become a masterpiece. Rhinoceros horn carvings are rarer than tooth carvings, more precious than nuclear carvings, and have a greater appreciation space, making them a top quality collection object in miscellaneous collections.


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